
Dinner at Eight essay

I've just run into this sight called Wordle. I often look at a blog called ProfHacker that post "Tips & Tutorials for higher ed." Mostly a bunch of professors contributing to a conversation about pedagogy and productivity (at least that is what their word clout suggest). The application creates word clouts that according to the blogger, could be utilized for textual analysis. Just finishing my essay for one of my English classes I decided to give it a try.
Wordle: Dinner at Eight

Can you guess what the topic was about? (Click for larger view)
Well this essay is one of the major reasons I haven't posted lately (sorry) among other things (laziness, lack of motivation, and all those other nasty words and terms).
Hopefully next week I'll have an interview with some new people that are outside of academia??? :O I know!
Until then.

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This is a study in Semantics based on works I am currently reading. Saying that I hope to get productive and progressive conversation on the certain topics that are started by the authors.
